Baby : 18 weeks

Since I am now 18 weeks pregnant, I thought it was about time to get a belly picture up on the blog.  Every single day Trevor and I give each other a look as to say, "This is so crazy!"  Having kids is just something that you always think about and is always someday, but when it is actually here it is so strange to be really living it.I have been feeling good other than normal pregnancy things.  Biggest thing I need to learn is to not overdo it.  I tend to work super hard one day, and do WAY too much, but then I am out of commission the entire next day.  Not quite the greatest schedule to stay on.The thing that I am absolutely loving is all the questions I get from my brothers.  I forget that they have never really been around a pregnant woman or many babies because I have seen my mom pregnant multiple times, and I was always helping with the boys.  One day I was listing out the months until February and how busy we are, proving to Trevor that I indeed need to get the entire nursery finished by the end of October.  (Yes, I am a planner)  My brother was listening, and when I reached February he asked, "How big does that baby have to get?"  It was adorable!But I am really trying to get as much done as early as I can basically because life is so crazy, and I want to be able to enjoy the holiday season!  I am already working on my baby registry so that we can get some things for Christmas presents too, and I would happily take any advice from you moms on baby products.  I think I have narrowed down a lot of the big items, but I still think that the best way to buy those big items is to know that most moms love them.  I read tons of reviews, but I would love to know what you think.  What items have you loved, what items have you hated, and what do you wish you would have got differently?  I appreciate the help! Comment or email.I definitely will be posting more pregnancy pictures along the way, and hopefully will have big news to share in the coming month.  We are getting anxious on finding out if it is a little boy or girl.  Have  a great weekend!


It's a Boy!


My 26th Birthday, Old and Young