Complete Life Update
Saying that life has been crazy would be an understatement. October was completely swamped with work, working crazy long hours just to keep my head above water. I have never been so busy, and it makes me shake my head in disbelief that my dream of being a photographer becomes more and more real each day. Then we left for vacation for 10 days, which I definitely needed, but when I returned I realized just how out of control I let my personal to do list get. I feel like all of November I have been playing catch up, one day work, then the next with personal life. Lists are literally scattered all over my house. I have a list for Christmas gifts, one for work, another for house work that needs to be done before the baby arrives, one for the nursery, another for the baby shower, and one for my sister's shower. So, it is only fitting to do this blog in list form. It is probably the only way I will be able to make everything I want to say fit together at all.1. Here is Trevor and I on vacation. Even though after experiencing it I would not recommend traveling far 5 1/2 months pregnant, it was still amazing to have some real quality time with my hubby. Life gets in the way too much when we are home, and this gave us the chance to reconnect a bit before we add another member to our family. It still seems crazy to me that it is not going to be just the two of us anymore. The first day of our vacation we celebrated 10 years being together. We started dating in 2000, our Sophomore year in high school. Since then it has been just the two of us (other than our puppy, Willie, of course). It will be so different adding a little person to our life together, but at the same time it makes us both giddy just thinking about it. We are definitely ready to spread our love.2. Baby Shower Invites and our Christmas Cards both went out yesterday. As much as I was freaking out on getting them both designed, I definitely ended up getting them both out in plenty of time. I always freak out for nothing.
3. Here is a picture of me today. (Sorry they are always taken in my bathroom. It is just easiest!) I am days away from 29 Weeks, only 11 to go! It just seems crazy. Some days, when my back hurts and I feel huge all over (usually on days when I didn't sleep well the night before), it feels like I have forever to go. But then on good days, I just enjoy it and am not quite ready for the big day to be here yet. And the sooner the day approaches, the more I realize this child has to come out somehow. I am so nervous about labor. The unknown is always so scary. But we have our childbirth class this Saturday, and I have been reading like crazy. I am a researcher. I just hope that the more prepared I am, the better I will feel about it all. If there are any moms out there with advice, I will gladly take it all in.4. I have still been trying to stay consistent with my workouts. I had to stop running though. After taking two weeks off over vacation, it became too much of a struggle. And I felt so heavy! But I am walking and doing yoga along with a little weight training. It definitely makes me feel better when I get my workout in, and I am hoping it helps with labor and getting back in shape post-baby. I do have my sister's wedding to think about come June!5. I finished the majority of the Nursery back in September, but those final details have just been stumping me for the past couple months. They are the little details that can make or break the room, and I am just putting too much pressure on myself. But, I think I am heading to JoAnn Fabrics tonight to find the few things I still need. As soon as it is complete, I promise to have pictures up on the blog.6. 2011 is looking to be an amazing year, obviously personally, but for my business too! The weddings I am booking are amazing, and I couldn't ask for better clients. I am still working out the exact details of when I will be taking off for maternity leave. It is so hard to figure out when I don't know what to expect exactly. I can see myself wanting to get out of the house after a certain point, even if for just one session, but then I can see myself not wanting to leave at all. To all my clients, if you are thinking about family portraits, an engagement session, or booking a wedding in the Spring, contact me as soon as possible. I am already booking weekends at the end of May and am not planning on booking a whole lot. So if you want something specific, let me know now. Also, weddings are booking for 2011, and I will probably only be booking at the most 4 more, so if you are interested, contact me now.Life never does slow down, but I have also never been so grateful. I really am enjoying all the happiness that has been coming our way. And I promise that it won't be so long in between this post and the next.