Japer | 6 Weeks
Jasper is now six weeks old, and those six weeks feel like a lifetime. I don't know what we ever did without him. There is not a moment that goes by that he doesn't melt my heart. Even last night, when he was wide awake after a feeding and I desperately wanted him to go to sleep, he cuddled into me, looked up and smiled. That moment alone was worth the two hours I was awake with him in the middle of the night. As much as I day dream about the night we sleep all the way through, at the same time I never want those sweet middle of the night moments ever to end.I haven't posted any of the pictures that I have been taking over the past 6 weeks so I thought I would give a quick overview. This child is not going to have a lack of pictures of himself by any means. I just hope I don't scar him for life, and he has some kind of fear of cameras.Jasper is two weeks old in the first group of images. He has already changed so much since then, and I am so grateful that we captured him in the early weeks of his life.
He always has his hands crossed or up by his face. It is so adorable!
Jasper at 1 month. I love that you can start to see his personality already in these images. I know that someday we will look back at these pictures of him and say, "That is so Jasper. He gives us that ornery look all the time!".
Jasper at 5 weeks. Oh, I just want to kiss on those little cheeks!
I love this picture because whenever he is awake and happy he is waving his arms like crazy. Trevor always says that he is all arms.
This is my absolute favorite. I think it is because he has that little smirk, and it seems as if even his eyes are even smiling. I love when I get this look from him. He is already such a flirt!
With the gorgeous sunlight that is streaming through our house today, I think we are definitely going to have to have a six week mini photo shoot. Hope you all have a happy Friday and a great weekend!