Jasper | 7 Months

Jasper is only days away from turning eight months, but here I am just now posting his seven month pictures.  It is hard to believe how old he is getting...it already makes my heart sad to know that he is going to be one in only four months.  I do not know where the time has gone.  I literally do not want him to leave my side for one second because it goes so fast, and I don't want to miss even one moment.  Every day he changes in some way or learns something new.  This morning, he kissed me without me begging for it for the first time.  Usually I have to ask him about ten times before he will give me a kiss (he is stubborn).  But today, he just laid one on me.  I think he knew that I didn't get much sleep and was trying to make up for it.  Isn't the unconditional love that babies show wonderful though?  He loves Trevor and I so much; it just makes me melt. Jasper is really starting to love his puppy, Willie.  Willie is taking a little longer to come around, but he is definitely protective of Jasper.  We had a rough day on Monday, with my cell phone going crazy, waiting at Verizon for over two hours just to end up getting a horrible loaner phone, then having to take Willie to the vet spontaneously because he wasn't feeling well all while Trevor was traveling for work.  But in the end, I would do anything for this family of mine.  At the end of the night, when I get a moment to cuddle with them all, the struggles of the day all become worth it.


Bath Time


Jogging with Jasper