Television Husband

Tuesday nights are the only night I want to be up past ten these days.  Parenthood is on, and I am absolutely in love; maybe even mildly obsessed.  I love the Braverman family, the real life story lines, and I go crazy over the music.  I watch each episode at least twice, and it is the only show that will not be deleted from my DVR.But, what puts it over the top for me is that one of the actors, Sam Jaeger, is an Otterbein alumnus, which is also my alma mater.  He is awesome on Parenthood, and as my friend Gail perfectly described his character in a recent email to me, "the best husband on television".  He really is dreamy, and I fell in love even more this week when I found out that he went back to Columbus this past week to show his new film "Take Me Home"  which he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in.  He even had Q&A sessions after the weekend viewings which I am so completely bummed that I missed.    I will just have to keep waiting for Tuesday nights and keep my fingers crossed that his new film will be on DVD soon enough.Click image below to see the trailer.


Jasper's First Halloween


Bath Time