Ten Days Ago

Ten days ago, my world crumbled.  Ten days ago my biggest fear came way to close to reality.  Ten days ago, with my entire family, all twelve of us now, huddled in a small hospital room, my mom told us they were 99% sure she had pancreatic cancer.  We cried.The past ten days have been some of the longest days of our lives.  For my mom, surgery, tests, doctor calls, and just dealing.  For the rest of us, coping, spending our days at my mom's house, helping keep up with the daily chores of having a big family, and also keeping up with our normal lives that don't stop even though it feels as if they should.Last Wednesday, our fears were confirmed.  There is one tumor in the pancreas.  She will be going to Cleveland Clinic tomorrow for appointments and to schedule her surgery.  It will be soon because it is considered an emergency, and it is a very intense surgery with a long recovery.  It is going to be a long, tough road ahead, but thankfully we have a large family, and we can all lean on each other.I can't even begin to describe what I have been feeling.  It truly is a roller coaster.  Between devastation, to sadness, to being so completely angry, to hopefulness, and back around.  With losing my Dad when I was ten, my absolute biggest fear has always been losing my mom.  But, I have to stay positive and hopeful because I know she can beat this.I have been so amazed by the friends and family that have stepped up to help in any way they can, and I appreciate it more than I could ever say.  I am asking all of you for your prayers.  We need them. Prayers for healing and strength.I have to say I don't know how much I will be writing on my blog for awhile.  I am thankful that I am in my slow season of work because I need to be there for my family.  I am still answering my emails, it may just be a little slower.  Thank you in advance for all of your patience, caring, and support.This little guy has been the biggest help of all, always making us laugh.  We are all so thankful for Jasper right now.


Jasper | 9 Months

