Friday Fun : 1.18.13

I've been trying to write a blog post all day now, and it is not coming very easily.  Then I finally realized why...I am sitting here, trying to write something meaningful and thought provoking, and it is FRIDAY!!  This may be something easy to write on Monday or Tuesday, but not FRIDAY!  So I am starting a regular blog post, Friday Fun.  We will see what this morphs into, but how I see it being now is simply posting a fun picture (or pictures) from our week. Stress-free, simple fun!  Hopefully something that will help you have a smile on your face on Friday!  I am also brainstorming a way that you can share your Friday Fun pictures with me too!  Either on Instagram, Facebook, or sending them to me for my blog on Friday.  We will see.  Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas of ways to participate!  Happy Friday Fun!


From the Kitchen of Mom


Sixth Anniversary