Baby Fruth's First Pictures

Wednesday, August 4th was the date we had been looking forward to for a month now.  I just wanted to see the baby: to see that it was alive, to see that everything was ok, and to just see that it was really in there.  I have definitely been excited about the little baby we have created so far, but I have really been holding back.  I just didn't want to get overexcited, and then get severely disappointed if something just was not right.  As soon as we both saw the little babe, all the fear melted away for that moment.  And now, it is all beginning to feel so real.Last night, we were lying in bed, and I had felt like crap all day long: sick to my stomach and so tired from not sleeping well all week.  But Trevor told me how very proud of me he was.  He said he knew it was hard, but that my body was growing something amazing, our baby. And then he said the key words that put me into a nice relaxing slumber.  He said that after seeing our baby for the first time, he was forever changed.  He is going to be one amazing Daddy!Enjoy the first pictures (of MANY) of Baby Fruth!


My 26th Birthday, Old and Young


Little Sister Getting Married