Jasper | 8 Months
Jasper's eight month pictures had to be taken among the Fall leaves, I was determined. Not only because I absolutely love the colors, but also because I know it will be very unlikely that we will be able to be outside for his one year pictures in February. But the odds were definitely stacked up against us this time...he was sick for about three weeks straight. When he turned eight months he was running a fever, nose was running constantly, and he just wasn't himself. So, we waited a few days, as he slowly got better. Then there was a perfect sunny morning, and we had to take advantage of it or it was never going to happen.Even though Jasper still didn't feel the best, it has ended up being one of my favorite sessions ever with him. He had fun, and the images turned out exactly how I wanted them to. It was one of our shortest mini sessions ever, only about 15 minutes, but that is all we needed. He really is growing up so fast, each day he looks different and acts more like a little boy and not so much a baby. I want to grab hold of him and squeeze so tight that he cannot grow up any faster. But there is so much to look forward to, including hopefully a good night's sleep. Just the other day Trevor got told at work that he looked tired and he said, "Yes, I have a baby at home that is up a lot at night." The woman was interested and said, "Oh, how old?" Trevor answered, "8 1/2 Months." And she said, "And he is still keeping you up?!" Yes, he keeps us up. If there is one baby characteristic that Jasper is still holding onto, it is that he eats just about every three hours. And we have tried every piece of advice, but nothing works. I just tell myself every night that it is just a stage that will soon be over. Hopefully...