Leaving Space

At the beginning of November, I dreamed of a slow paced December.  I worked hard toward this goal trying to finish up work projects, baby projects, and all of my Christmas shopping so that we could enjoy the Holiday season fully with Jasper.  And yet, I still found a way to make a mess of December.  My work wasn't quite wrapped up nicely like I had hoped, I added more pre-baby projects, the baking list for Christmas became long, I got a cold somewhere in there and so did Jasper, my Dad and brother were in an accident (thank God everyone was ok), and I forgot to add into the December equation that I would be very pregnant and tired.  I took on too much.  The thing with taking on too much is there is no time left to enjoy the things on the list that actually can be enjoyable.This morning, I was reminded of the fun you can have doing Christmas activities.  I went out to get the mail, still in my pajamas, and realized how very warm it felt.  Jasper and I have desperately needed some fresh air so I ran inside and told him that we were going to get his new boots on and play outside.  The best part, we wouldn't even have to get out of our pajamas (getting dressed is always a struggle for Jasper lately).We bundled up, and went outside.  I had no plans of what we were going to do, and the fun just happened.  There was finally enough space left for something unexpected to happen.  We built Jasper's very first snowman!I cannot even begin to describe how much fun we had.  The smile on his face made me happier than I have been in weeks.  All the times that he said, "I love you, Mommy!" and, "This is fun!" melted my heart.  Building a snowman was never written on my to do list, and quite frankly I probably wouldn't have thought there would be enough time for it during our day.We all need to leave some space for spontaneity this holiday season.  Sometimes all the traditions, which are usually wonderful, can start to feel like a big long to do list.  But if we just leave a little room for something new to happen, the season can feel magical once again.  This is a day that will be burnt into my memory forever, and it may be the best part of my Christmas.  Simply building a snowman in our pajamas. 


A Letter to my Baby Jasper


Baby Girl